Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Gyakuten Saiban 3 Blog Entry 1: Greetings (2004)

Title: Greetings / 「ごあいさつ」
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 3 official site (down)

Summary: In the first column written for the official Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Ace Attorney 3 - Trials & Tribulations) website, Naruhodō (Phoenix Wright) and Mayoi (Maya Fey) greet the readers and explain that Takumi Shū, the director and writer of the game, has left for his vacation, so they decide to show off the writing diary Takumi kept during the development process of the game. They comment on the little notes scribbled by Takumi in this diary. In this first column, we see how Takumi came up with the plot of the game’s first episode Turnabout Memories.
Naruhodō: Hello everyone. I’m Naruhodō Ryūichi. My name might sound a bit suspicious, but it’s my real name.
Mayoi: It’s been a while! I’m Ayasato Mayoi. I’m dressed a bit suspicious, but I’m your ordinary spirit medium in training!
Naruhodō: What do you mean "normal?" And how long have you been in training?
Mayoi: Oh, listen to the rookie attorney speaking!
Naruhodō: …Anyway, I’m a defense attorney specializing in criminal cases. And this is… my assistant? A friend? Something like that?
Mayoi: Wait, wait, what are you doing?
Naruhodō: Introducing us. You have to introduce yourself when you meet someone.
Mayoi: Didn’t you know? We’re super famous now. Everyone in Japan knows about us. At least, they know me.
Naruhodō: You’d better wake up now.
Mayoi: I am awake!
Naruhodō: None of my friends know about Gyakuten Saiban.
Mayoi: All of your friends are just weird
Naruhodō: No, no! I bet you that if we’d invite everyone who has heard about you and brought them all to the beach, all of them together wouldn’t even be able to change the water level!
Mayoi: Really? But… but, the third Gyakuten Saiban is coming out soon! That means I’m a big seller.
Naruhodō: Don't! It’s an attitude like that that’ll kill a series.
Mayoi: What do you mean?
Naruhodō: Think about it: films, drama, novels, games: think of all those series that went off the rails once they hit number 3.
Mayoi: … Oh, that does ring a bell. Perhaps. Why does that happen?
Naruhodō: The creators start to have an attitude. I’m sure that’s it. Probably. This corner is usually a column written by director Takumi Shū himself, right?
Mayoi: Ah! That’s right! Where is he?
Naruhodō: He’s on his holiday already. Packed and left straight for Siberia.
Mayoi: Couldn’t he have picked a warmer place?
Naruhodō: He said he wanted to see the aurora borealis.
Mayoi: How could he just leave and let us do all the talking?
Naruhodō: And that’s why I figured I’d show the reader something interesting.
Mayoi: Ooh, what is it!?
Naruhodō: His creative diary.
Mayoi: His diary?
Naruhodō: It’s an notebook he kept when writing Gyakuten Saiban 3. It’s his personal diary.
Mayoi: Oh! That’s cool. And we get to make fun of it, right?
Naruhodō: Yeah, I’ve heard some interesting stories about the development of this game… TakuShū has developed the habit of talking to himself lately.
Mayoi: Is Gyakuten Saiban 3 really going to be okay?
Naruhodō: We might find the answer if we read this diary.
Mayoi: Okay, let’s take a look first at when the project first started!
Naruhodō: Yes. Let’s have a look at this diary.
Mayoi: We won’t keep silent about what’s written there. Everyone, join us!

Creative diary: Development Started - Plotting Episode 1
September 9 (Monday)
Summer holiday ended. Project “Gyakuten Saiban 3” starts. Was told a few points to consider (*1) by Chief Mikami. Will consider.
September 10 (Tuesday)
Scenario writing is scheduled until the end of the year (*2). Feel confident. Started plotting. Begin with episode 1. Got to gather ideas.

September 12 (Thursday)
Editing column no. 1 and the promotion video of Gyakuten Saiban 2. No work done on scenario.
September 13 (Friday)
No ideas. Must be an unlucky day. Can’t find a starting point. Need some inspiration.
September 17 (Tuesday)
Episode 1, take off! (*3) A case set in Chihiro (Mia Fey)’s younger days.

September 19 (Thursday)
Getting settled on the character relations, the basic flow of the story and the truth. Have to start on contradictions.
September 20 (Friday)
Going to Tokyo Game Show. Idea of Naruhodō being the defendant popped into my head (*4). Will consider it, but prefer to not use it.

September 24 (Tuesday)
Can’t decide on the idea for the first cross-examination at the start of the game. Getting started on contradictions in the latter half of the episode. Try to get this done in two days?
September 26 (Thursday)
Decided to use the Naruhodō idea anyway. Think this will work. Plotting of episode 1, done. Perhaps too long?

(1) "A few points to consider" (September 9)

Mayoi: What things did he had to consider?
Naruhodō: So on the first day of the project, the chief called him in. He basically asked for two things. 1: The game had to have five episodes and 2: each episode had to have less volume.
Mayoi: Huh, I remember his boss also asked for a five-episode game with Gyakuten Saiban 2 (Ace Attorney 2 - Justice for All)?
Naruhodō: Yeah. And one year ago, he did write five episodes for 2. But it wouldn’t fit the cartridge, so they had to scrap one episode.
Mayoi: Eh! So that episode that got left on the cutting board…
Naruhodō:  He of course immediately decided to use that story for 3. TakuShū was absolutely gloating, feeling lucky that he hadn’t used that episode in 2.
Mayoi: I guess I would’ve done the same.

(2) "Scenario writing is scheduled until the end of the year" (September 10)

Mayoi: With scenario, he means planning out the story out roughly, right?
Naruhodō: No, he means having written everything. From my deductions to your goofy jokes, everything.
Mayoi: Goofy jokes!? Anyway, until the end of the year? That’s just three and a half months.
Naruhodō: Exactly. But he did manage to write 2’s scenario in three and a half months.
Mayoi: Wow. I wonder how much text five episodes would be?
Naruhodō: About 1500 pages at A4 size, I guess.
Mayoi: Woooow! That’s… a lot. And a waste of paper.
Naruhodō: First he had planned ten days per episode for plotting. And then he’d write 30 pages each day.
Mayoi: Well, he had an easy time now. Of the five episodes he had to write, one he still had left from 2, and he wrote earlier he felt confident.
Naruhodō: Yeah, that was supposed to be the idea, but…
Mayoi: …?

(3) "Episode 1, take off!" (September 17)

Mayoi: Eh? Didn’t he start thinking about the plot on September 10? Why is Episode 1 taking off now, once again?
Naruhodō: Perhaps he didn’t want to admit he had wasted a whole week.
Mayoi: Cornered right from the start…
Naruhodō: He needed something to inspire him, to get the ideas flowing.
Mayoi: Huh. So what got him moving?
Naruhodō: The tutorial. Like the first episode of 2.
Mayoi: The tutorial?
Naruhodō: You know, the first episode always explains the rules of the game to new players, right? In the first game, I was still a rookie.
Mayoi: Ah. And he also came up with a clever idea to do that in 2.
Naruhodō: So then he started thinking about doing something clever in 3.
Mayoi: Aha. So that’s how he came up with the idea.

(4) Idea of Naruhodō being the defendant popped into my head (September 20)
Naruhodō: It was only after he had decided on most of the story that he came up with that (for me) rather inconvenient idea…
Mayoi: Huh. But he says he prefers to not use it. Why?
Naruhodō: Well, because it seemed such a simple idea obviously just meant to lure in players, by featuring the situation of Chihiro having to defend Naruhodo-kun. And this idea also seemed hard to get into for players who’d first start this series with the third game.
Mayoi: Hmm, even though he was in a tight spot, he still can be strangely stubborn.
Naruhodō: That’s why he didn’t intend to use this idea unless he could come up with an idea to link that specific situation to the story.
Mayoi: But, but he did use that idea! So, so that means he came up with some amazing idea, right!?
Naruhodō Probably… perhaps he just gave in because of the ticking clock…

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