Title: Objection to Takumi Shū from the Developers!! /「開発者から巧舟へ異議あり!!」
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 Official Guidebook
Summary: The official guidebook for Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) features a short segment where various members of the development team finally got a chance to object to all the work Takumi Shū (as general supervisor of the game) made them do. From programmers to graphics artists, sound engineers and even the director of the game, they all have something to say to their boss who sometimes seemed only to be “bullying” his team with detailed directions regarding their work. Of course, it was all worth it to create the game. The funny segment gives a unique look into the various things the team members had to do under Takumi’s directions.