Title: The Secret Of How The Gyakuten Saiban Feeling Is Created! Creating an 3D Adventure Game: A Demonstration of the Gyakuten Saiban Script System (CEDEC 2015) / 「『逆転裁判』らしさが生まれる秘密! “逆転裁判のスクリプトシステムによる実演を交えた3Dアドベンチャーの作り方”【CEDEC 2015】」
Source: Famitsu
Source: Famitsu
Summary: Computer Entertainment Developers Conference (CEDEC) 2015 was held in August 2015 and one of the lectures featured was one of Capcom programmer Kimoto Masahiro, who had worked on Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Ace Attorney 5 – Dual Destinies) and Dai Gyakuten Saiban – Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken (The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures). In the lecture, Kimoto explains how scripts are used to create the typical feel of the Gyakuten Saiban series, by controlling factors like camera, text speed and music. He explains how the tools were created to simplify the task for the planners, but also points out what other problems were created because of their work process. This article is a translation of Famitsu's report on the lecture.
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