Title: Secret Footage – Final Episode: Become Stained In The Colors of Surprise (Odoroki)!/ 『極秘動画 最終話 オドロキ色に染めろ』
Source: Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 official website (not available anymore due to site renewal)
Summary: The official Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) website started posting “Secret Footage” late March 2007 in anticipation of the game’s release. These videos were dated October 2005 and were recordings of the earliest meetings of the development team. The third and final video is set a few months after the initial announcement. The design of the main character Odoroki Hōsuke is almost finished, but there are still some points that haven’t been decided on. Endō Mitsuru (Director), Nuri Kazuya (Designer) and Yamazaki Takeshi (Planning) are holding a meeting to decide on the basic colors of Odoroki’s clothes while Takumi Shū (Supervision) is in Tokyo for work. Nuri has prepared several color variations for them to pick from and it doesn’t take long for the three to decide on a color, but not everyone seems to be happy with their decision.
This article is a full transcript of the video. The video is not available here.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Secret Footage - Episode 2: The Night Before Odoroki Hōsuke‘s Birth (2007)
Title: Secret Footage - Episode 2: The Night Before Odoroki Hōsuke‘s Birth / 『極秘動画 第2回 王泥喜法介 誕生前夜』
Source: Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 official website (not available anymore due to site renewal)
Summary: The official Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) website started posting “Secret Footage” on March 30, 2007. These videos dated October 2005 were recordings of the very first meetings of the development team. In the first meeting, the team was told they had to have an illustration for the game ready by next week for use during the reveal. In the second part of the series, designer Nuri Kazuya shows off the sketches he worked all night on to the rest of the core members, being Endō Mitsuru (Director), Matsukawa Minae (Producer) Takumi Shū (Supervision) and Yamazaki Takeshi (Planning). Together they have to decide which sketch to use for the public announcement of the game on October 11, 2005.
This article is a full transcript of the video. The video is not available here.
Source: Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 official website (not available anymore due to site renewal)
Summary: The official Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) website started posting “Secret Footage” on March 30, 2007. These videos dated October 2005 were recordings of the very first meetings of the development team. In the first meeting, the team was told they had to have an illustration for the game ready by next week for use during the reveal. In the second part of the series, designer Nuri Kazuya shows off the sketches he worked all night on to the rest of the core members, being Endō Mitsuru (Director), Matsukawa Minae (Producer) Takumi Shū (Supervision) and Yamazaki Takeshi (Planning). Together they have to decide which sketch to use for the public announcement of the game on October 11, 2005.
This article is a full transcript of the video. The video is not available here.
Secret Footage - Episode 1: The First Face-to-face Meeting Was A Cruel Trap (2007)
Title: Secret Footage - Episode 1: The First Face-to-face Meeting Was A Cruel Trap / 『極秘動画 第1回 初顔合わせは苦いワナ』
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 official website (not available anymore due to site renewal)
Summary: On March 30, 2007, “Secret Footage” was posted on the official Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) website. The video gave a very rare glimpse at how meetings go within the development team of the game and was the first in a series of three that would reveal how the protagonist of the game, Odoroki Hōsuke (Apollo Justice), was created. This first entry is dated October 2005 and shows the first very face-to-face meeting of the core members of the development team Endō Mitsuru (Director), Matsukawa Minae (Producer) Takumi Shū (Supervision), Nuri Kazuya (Designer) and Yamazaki Takeshi (Planning). They don’t have time for formalities however, as the producer has an assignment for them already: they have to decide on their protagonist for this by next week due to planned promotion events.
This article is a full transcript of the video. The video is not available here.
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 4 official website (not available anymore due to site renewal)
Summary: On March 30, 2007, “Secret Footage” was posted on the official Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) website. The video gave a very rare glimpse at how meetings go within the development team of the game and was the first in a series of three that would reveal how the protagonist of the game, Odoroki Hōsuke (Apollo Justice), was created. This first entry is dated October 2005 and shows the first very face-to-face meeting of the core members of the development team Endō Mitsuru (Director), Matsukawa Minae (Producer) Takumi Shū (Supervision), Nuri Kazuya (Designer) and Yamazaki Takeshi (Planning). They don’t have time for formalities however, as the producer has an assignment for them already: they have to decide on their protagonist for this by next week due to planned promotion events.
This article is a full transcript of the video. The video is not available here.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Gyakuten Saiban 4 SE: Sandō (2007)
Title: Gyakuten Saiban 4 SE: Sandō / 『逆転裁判4 SE: サンドウ』
Source: CAP’STONE (link not available anymore)
Summary: In 2007, Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) sound effect designer Sandō Yoshiki wrote a short piece for CAP’STONE, the official site for Capcom’s sound team about creating the sound effects for the game. He writes about updating the sound effects for the game in a way to keep the familiar feeling, but also about recording new sound effects, even if they are a bit weird, like the ‘sound of someone who falls on the floor while holding an acoustic guitar.’
Gyakuten Saiban 4 BGM: Horiyama (2007)
Title: Gyakuten Saiban 4 BGM: Horiyama / 『逆転裁判4 BGM: ホリヤマ』
Source: CAP’STONE (link not available anymore)
Summary: In a short 2007 piece on CAP’STONE, the official site for Capcom’s sound team, Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) composer Horiyama Toshihoko revealed the unlikely story of how he created the theme song for the prosecutor Garyū Kyōya (Klavier Gavin). The piece Love Love Guilty (Guilty Love) is quite unlike any of the music tracks heard in earlier games in this series, but Horiyama reveals there’s also a very odd story behind the creation of the song.
Source: CAP’STONE (link not available anymore)