Title: Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 1 / 「『大逆転裁判2』開発スタッフと回想する冒險浪漫談 Vol.1」
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: The October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream featured a long multi-part interview with the development staff of the 2017 title Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve). In Volume 1 of this feature director/scenario writer Takumi Shū, art director Nuri Kazuya and producer Eshiro Motohide discuss the game in general. They explain how the game had to be produced under very limited circumstances, but that everyone was eager to get the game out to provide the players with the answers to lingering mysteries from the first game. They also talk about Takumi’s understanding of the characters had changed and how the main visual art was conceived. In the second part of the article, the interviewer showed Eshiro and Nuri columns Takumi had written for Nintendo Dream when the first Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures) was released in 2015 and asked them about the same topics like how they first gotten interested in games and what their hobbies are.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 4 (2017)
Title: Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 4 - Episode 3: The Return of the Great Departed Soul / 「『大逆転裁判2』開発スタッフと回想する冒險浪漫談 Vol.4 第3話「未来科学と亡霊の帰還」」
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: A long multi-part feature starring the development staff of the 2017 game Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve) was published in the October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream. In the fourth part of this series, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū, art director Nuri Kazuya and producer Eshiro Motohide look back at the third episode of the game, The Return of the Great Departed Soul. They discuss how the characters were designed and what the concepts behind them were, how the story was written and other tidbits. The article features slight spoilers for this episode.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: A long multi-part feature starring the development staff of the 2017 game Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve) was published in the October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream. In the fourth part of this series, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū, art director Nuri Kazuya and producer Eshiro Motohide look back at the third episode of the game, The Return of the Great Departed Soul. They discuss how the characters were designed and what the concepts behind them were, how the story was written and other tidbits. The article features slight spoilers for this episode.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 3 (2017)
Title: Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 3 - Episode 2: The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro / 「『大逆転裁判2』開発スタッフと回想する冒險浪漫談 Vol.3 第2話「吾輩と霧の夜の回想」」
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: The October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream featured a long multi-part feature with the development staff of the 2017 game Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve). In the third part of this unique feature, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū and art director Nuri Kazuya talk in-depth about the second episode in the game, The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro. The duo discusses how the characters were designed, what the original concepts behind this episode were and how things changed over the course of the development process. The article features slight spoilers for this episode and the fourth episode of the first Dai Gyakuten Saiban.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: The October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream featured a long multi-part feature with the development staff of the 2017 game Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve). In the third part of this unique feature, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū and art director Nuri Kazuya talk in-depth about the second episode in the game, The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro. The duo discusses how the characters were designed, what the original concepts behind this episode were and how things changed over the course of the development process. The article features slight spoilers for this episode and the fourth episode of the first Dai Gyakuten Saiban.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 2 (2017)
Title: Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 - A Romantic Adventure Of Reminiscence With The Development Staff Vol. 2 - Episode 1: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney / 「『大逆転裁判2』開発スタッフと回想する冒險浪漫談 Vol.2 第1話「弁護少女の覚醒と冒險」」
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: The October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream featured a long multi-part feature with interviews with the development staff of Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve). In this unique series, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū, art director Nuri Kazuya and producer Eshiro Motohide sit down together to talk about in-depth about specific episodes of the game. In this second installment, the team talks about the first episode of the game, The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney and talk about how this episode came to be, how the characters appearing in this episode were designed and how things changed along the way. The article features slight spoilers for this episode.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Source: Nintendo Dream, October issue, 2017
Summary: The October 2017 issue of Nintendo Dream featured a long multi-part feature with interviews with the development staff of Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 (The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve). In this unique series, director/scenario writer Takumi Shū, art director Nuri Kazuya and producer Eshiro Motohide sit down together to talk about in-depth about specific episodes of the game. In this second installment, the team talks about the first episode of the game, The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney and talk about how this episode came to be, how the characters appearing in this episode were designed and how things changed along the way. The article features slight spoilers for this episode.
Images are taken from the source article. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.