Title: Celebrating The Release of Gyakuten Saiban 123 on Nintendo Switch! Director Takumi Shū X Character Designer Iwamoto Tatsurō Special Discussion / 「Nintendo Switch版『逆転裁判123』発売記念!ディレクター巧 舟さん×キャラクターデザイナー岩元辰郎さん特別対談」
Source: Nintendo Dream Web
Summary: On February 22, 2019, the release date of Gyakuten Saiban 123 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attoney Trilogy), Nintendo Dream WEB posted an interview with series director/writer/planner Takumi Shū and character designer Iwamoto Tatsurō, two of the people who worked on all three games included in Gyakuten Saiban 123. The two look back at what they did on the release day of the original game, on certain characters and how they were designed for those games, but also how the franchise as a whole has grown throughout these years, from the Special Court skits to the anime and to other multi-media adaptations.
Images are taken from the source. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Gyakuten Saiban 123 Naruhodō Selection Development Column 1: The 54-Fold Challenge
Title: The 54-Fold Challenge /「54倍への挑戦」
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 123 Naruhodō Selection official site
Summary: In anticipation of the release of Gyakuten Saiban 123 Naruhodō Selection (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy) on February 21, 2019 for Switch, PlayStation 4, XBox One and Steam, the official website started posting a series of columns about the development process behind this game. While many of the previous releases in this series were accompanied by developers columns on their respective sites, this is the first time one of the ports has seen such a treatment. In the first column posted on February 6, 2019, director Kodama Shinsuke talks about the challenge of preparing a game that was originally developed for the small screen of a GameBoy Advance to HD.
Images are taken from the source column. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Source: Gyakuten Saiban 123 Naruhodō Selection official site
Summary: In anticipation of the release of Gyakuten Saiban 123 Naruhodō Selection (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy) on February 21, 2019 for Switch, PlayStation 4, XBox One and Steam, the official website started posting a series of columns about the development process behind this game. While many of the previous releases in this series were accompanied by developers columns on their respective sites, this is the first time one of the ports has seen such a treatment. In the first column posted on February 6, 2019, director Kodama Shinsuke talks about the challenge of preparing a game that was originally developed for the small screen of a GameBoy Advance to HD.
Images are taken from the source column. Copyright belongs to their respective owners.