Title: Celebrating Gyakuten Saiban 4's Nintendo 3DS release! We Ask Takumi Shū This And That About Gyakuten Saiban 4 /『「『逆転裁判4』ニンテンドー3DS版発売記念! 巧舟氏に訊く『逆転裁判4』アレコレ」
Source: Famitsu
Summary: Famitsu got the chance to ask Takumi Shū five short questions for the release of the 3DS port of Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) in this article published on December 4, 2017. Unlike his direction/script credits for the previous three games, Takumi was credited as original creator and series supervisor for this game. There are actually few post-Gyakuten Saiban 4 interviews with Takumi talking about this specific game, so in a way, these little short Q&A does feature some new insights that Takumi hadn't really voiced before, especially in regards to what his favorite episode of the game is.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Gyakuten Kenji 2 Blog Entry 12: Director VS Producer (2010)
Title: Director VS Producer /「ディレクターVSプロデューサー」
Source: Gyakuten Kenji 2 official site
Summary: In this blog post published on 17 November 2010 on the Gyakuten Kenji 2 (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Prosecutor's Gambit) blog, producer Eshiro writes a piece about how he and director Yamazaki often have "fights" about what they want in the game. Their "rivalry" is often joked about in interviews and columns, as while both naturally want to make the best game possible, they both have their own opinions about what is best for the game. In this blog post, Eshiro explains how their differing views on the character of Mikagami eventually merged into the final character design.
Source: Gyakuten Kenji 2 official site
Summary: In this blog post published on 17 November 2010 on the Gyakuten Kenji 2 (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Prosecutor's Gambit) blog, producer Eshiro writes a piece about how he and director Yamazaki often have "fights" about what they want in the game. Their "rivalry" is often joked about in interviews and columns, as while both naturally want to make the best game possible, they both have their own opinions about what is best for the game. In this blog post, Eshiro explains how their differing views on the character of Mikagami eventually merged into the final character design.