Title: Celebrating The Release of Gyakuten Saiban 6! Behind-The-Scenes Tales Of The Sound Production Revealed! / 「逆転裁判6 発売記念!サウンド制作秘話を大公開!」
Summary: In this interview posted on July 12, 2016 on CAP'STONE, Gyakuten Saiban 6 (Ace Attorney 6 - Spirit of Justice)'s sound director Horiyama talks about all things related to the sound design of the game. From how the sound effects are created, to the tracks he thinks are the most interesting, almost everything included in his job as the sound director is mentioned. Special attention goes to differentiating the original Japanese setting with the new setting of the Kingdom of Kurain in terms of sound.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Gyakuten Saiban 5 - Sound Staff Interview To Commemorate Its Release! (2013)
Title: Gyakuten Saiban 5 - Sound Staff Interview To Commemorate Its Release! / 「逆転裁判5 発売記念サウンドスタッフインタビュー!」
Summary: CAP'STONE is the website of the sound division of Capcom, which often features interviews with staff members about the sound design of Capcom games. In this interview to commemorate the release of Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Ace Attorney 5 - Dual Destinies) posted on August 6, 2013, Capcom's sound designer Sandou Yoshiki (using his name DJ Sandou) interviews the sound director (Horiyama Toshihiko) and the sound engineer (Amagishi Shinji) about working on the sound design for the game. They talk about recreating the sound effects for the new 3DS hardware and getting it all sound like classic Gyakuten Saiban, but also to give the sound effects a new, refreshing feel. Sandou Yoshiki himself has also worked on the Gyakuten Saiban series by the way, as he himself worked on sound effects for both Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) and Gyakuten Kenji 2 (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Prosecutor's Gambit). Yamazaki Takeshi, the scenario director of the game, also has something to comment on the importance on background music and sound effects at the end of the interview.
Summary: CAP'STONE is the website of the sound division of Capcom, which often features interviews with staff members about the sound design of Capcom games. In this interview to commemorate the release of Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Ace Attorney 5 - Dual Destinies) posted on August 6, 2013, Capcom's sound designer Sandou Yoshiki (using his name DJ Sandou) interviews the sound director (Horiyama Toshihiko) and the sound engineer (Amagishi Shinji) about working on the sound design for the game. They talk about recreating the sound effects for the new 3DS hardware and getting it all sound like classic Gyakuten Saiban, but also to give the sound effects a new, refreshing feel. Sandou Yoshiki himself has also worked on the Gyakuten Saiban series by the way, as he himself worked on sound effects for both Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 - Apollo Justice) and Gyakuten Kenji 2 (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Prosecutor's Gambit). Yamazaki Takeshi, the scenario director of the game, also has something to comment on the importance on background music and sound effects at the end of the interview.