Title: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Special Talk Session: The Music of the Gyakuten series - Horiyama Toshihiko X Iwadare Noriyuki / 「逆転裁判15周年記念トーク 「逆転」シリーズの楽曲 堀山俊彦 X 岩垂徳行」
Source: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016
Summary: In this interview published in 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016, composer Iwadare Noriyuki and composer/main sound engineer Horiyama Toshihiko talk about the music of the Gyakuten Saiban series. Iwadare is an external composer who first got to work on the series with Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Ace Attorney 3 - Trials and Tribulations) and worked on many other titles after that, while Horiyama is a Capcom employee who worked as main composer for Gyakuten Saiban 4 (Ace Attorney 4 -Apollo Justice) and has worked as main sound engineer and secundary composer on other titles.The two talk about the characteristics of the music of the Gyakuten series, how they come up with their compositions and how they record their music. Interviews with the composers of the music of this series are actually quite rare, and this is perhaps the most informative one available at the moment.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Special Talk Session: Gyakuten Saiban Up Until Now, And In The Future - Takumi Shū X Yamazaki Takeshi X Eshiro Motohide (2017)
Title: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Special Talk Session: Gyakuten Saiban Up Until Now, And In The Future - Takumi Shū X Yamazaki Takeshi X Eshiro Motohide / 「逆転裁判15周年記念トーク 「逆転」シリーズのこれまでと、これから。巧舟 X 山崎剛 X 江城元秀
Source: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016
Summary: The final interview found in 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016 brings the Triforce of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) together, as it features the rare match-up of original series creator Takumi, director Yamazaki and current series producer Eshiro. The three look back at fifteen years of Gyakuten Saiban, speaking from their respective roles. Discussion topics include explaining their views on directing and producing styles, what they think makes the Gyakuten series unique, how they first joined Capcom, their favorite episodes and other stuff they liked in particular and their hopes for the future.
Source: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016
Summary: The final interview found in 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016 brings the Triforce of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) together, as it features the rare match-up of original series creator Takumi, director Yamazaki and current series producer Eshiro. The three look back at fifteen years of Gyakuten Saiban, speaking from their respective roles. Discussion topics include explaining their views on directing and producing styles, what they think makes the Gyakuten series unique, how they first joined Capcom, their favorite episodes and other stuff they liked in particular and their hopes for the future.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Special Talk Session: Yamazaki Takeshi X Iwamoto Tatsurō (2017)
Title: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Special Talk Session: Gyakuten Kenji 1, 2 - Yamazaki Takeshi X Iwamoto Tatsurō / 「逆転裁判15周年記念トーク 逆転検事 「1」「2」 山崎剛 X 岩元辰郎」
Source: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016
Summary: In this interview published in 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016, director, scenario writer Yamazaki Takeshi and character designer Iwamoto Tatsurō talk about the two Gyakuten Kenji (Ace Attorney Investigations) games. Topics dscussed in this interview are how the two first met, how this spin-off project to the main series originally started, some more details about how Yamazaki had originally come up with a game that would star Akane (Ema Skye) as the protagonist, about what sets this game series apart from the main Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) games, character designs and finally, the two talk about a surprising mystery involving Yamazaki himself.
Source: 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016
Summary: In this interview published in 15th Anniversary Gyakuten Saiban Series Encyclopedia 2001-2016, director, scenario writer Yamazaki Takeshi and character designer Iwamoto Tatsurō talk about the two Gyakuten Kenji (Ace Attorney Investigations) games. Topics dscussed in this interview are how the two first met, how this spin-off project to the main series originally started, some more details about how Yamazaki had originally come up with a game that would star Akane (Ema Skye) as the protagonist, about what sets this game series apart from the main Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) games, character designs and finally, the two talk about a surprising mystery involving Yamazaki himself.